My hair color is a 2 but I bought the weave in a 1. I got the sew-in yesterday with part of the top left out so i could part it in the middle or to the side. Compared to the weave, my hair left out looks really brown. It only looked darker when the stylist put gel in it. Is there any product other than dye that I can use to temporarily make my real hair jet black like the weave? I'm concerned about using a rinse because I heard you shouldn't wash Outre Remy Velvelt hair yourself.
My real hair color doesn't blend with my weave. HELP!?
nope you can go buy half of a track thats your color and glue it in the front and yes you can wash the hair its not going to damage it
i'm wearing velvet hair right now amd i washed it last night. It came out better than it looked when i first got it done. i plan on rinsing my hair on the top jet black to blend a little better.