i have a straight human hair weave in but every time i curl it with the curling iron the curls dont stay in what can i do to get them to stay in for hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can i get the curls to stay in my human hair weave?
Use spritz or some type of holding spray before you curl the hair. Also applying mousse will help give the hair a natural curl.
And for the other poster...what makes you think the individual is black? Not all black people wear weaves.
How can i get the curls to stay in my human hair weave?
"pin curl" it! Twist strands of hair and then bobby pin them up...use a spray bottle just to dampen them just barely then sleep on them over night...when you take them down and style it in the morning use extra hold spray...Or you CAN have it permed since it is easier to straighten a weave then to curl it...good luck!
How can i get the curls to stay in my human hair weave?
use a spray starch when you curl it, then hair spray it with a high hold when you are done
How can i get the curls to stay in my human hair weave?
why are you using extensions they are expensive and very unnatural people can generally tell when you use them and then when you meet someone they don't know the real you and its a very hard up keeping and curling them ruins them very quickly,you should call the salon that put them in for you and ask them they should have told you when you purchased them, but they should be able to answer your question. you can try a glue gel and curl them while its still wet in your hair but next time get already curled extensions placed in or just stop with the extension things anyways. i believe that's why Brittney spears really shaved her head her hair was so damaged from all those extensions and dye she was always placing in her hair. men like more natural women in the long run I'm not saying don't fix your hair and do your nails place a little makeup on but really its all about who you are the next morning when you wake up i have found men really wan to see
How can i get the curls to stay in my human hair weave?
spray spritz and rub a little curl wax on each strand before u curl it for soft bouncy long lasting curls:)
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