Saturday, July 25, 2009

How do you braid your hair for a weave?

Typically this is something your stylist should do for you since it all depends on the type of weave you're looking for. So don't worry about it before hand.. : )

How do you braid your hair for a weave?

For a row: From ear to ear braid a small tight braid.

For a full head: Braid an around the world braid pattern where hair at the hair line and the crown left loose to cover tracks and the rest of the hair is braided around the head starting in the top to form one continuous braid.

Attach weave to braid with curved weaving needle and weaving thread.

It's best done as a professional job or as a two person job.

How do you braid your hair for a weave?

you braid it like your abuot to wrap it .

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