I'm looking for a good brand of hair weave to sew into my hair that doesn't tangle or shed easily. I was told Milky Way was a good brand, but me and my friends have not had any good luck with it. I am willing to pay at the most $40 a pack for it. Please Help!!
What's the best brand of hair weave to buy?
I have heard from several people who glue and sew in their weave, that Hollywood is the best hair weave on the market. I tried it and I love it. It does not tangle, nor shed if you take care of it like you would your real hair. It is a little more than $40, however if you take care of it, you can use it over and over. I have used the same pack of hair 4 times already. I hope this helps.
What's the best brand of hair weave to buy?
Well the best brands of hair weave are as follows:
1. Hello Kitty
2. Disney Mania
3. Cabbage Patch Kids
4. Polly Pocket
5. Barbie (From Matel)
6. Power Rangers
7. Mario Bros.
8. Daddy Yankee
9. Meow Meow Cat Mix, and
10. Whiskas
Good Luck! ^^
What's the best brand of hair weave to buy?
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